Pokemon Dead Yellow w/ Commentary by Pikachew

And now for something completely different!

Hello, my name is Pikachew, and I'm going to be reading over this shitty Pokemon Creepypasta! My words will be in bold to prevent people from mixing what I say up with the shitty story! So let's begin, "Pokemon Dead Yellow" (Note: I didn't credit the author to prevent harrassment, this story is not mine.)

A girl named Jessica finds pokemon fasinating and wants to find more pokemon games to add to the collection. She merly found this pokemon Yellow game in her nabor's yard.

Just what we need, another horrible "MI VIDERO GAM IS HAWNTED GUISE!!1!!!!111!" creepypasta! Also, what exactly is a "nabor"? Sounds like some kind of over the counter drug.

The nabors said she could take it but they seemed confussed as if never seeing it before. She dashed home and put it in her GameBoy as the screen loaded up it seemed normal until reaching the title. it said "Dead Yellow".

3spoopy5me!!1!1!11! ded yeloew1!!1!111!

Well damn it is a hack but she stilled continue forth.

Why is "it's a hack" something that every main character says in these shit stories?

She found you could only do new game. She clicked the button and when she was in the screen to meet prof. Oak she found that it just said "Are you a Boy or Girl?". She clicked girl and she put in her name Jessica. Her starter was a squirtle named Shelly but her level was 15. that was odd. But she kept in mind this was a HACK so it would be changed.

Why is "HACK" in all caps? Oh yeah, probably to represent the noise of my constant gagging while reading this.

as she continued forth she also saw the NPC'S wouldnt talk to her at all not even her mom. but when she got to the gym she noticed that the pokemon brock had were... diffrent. His sandshrew was missing its back pines and claws and were they were supos to be there was black holes with blood out of them and it's eyes were red with black dots for puples. His onix's body made of rocks was chipped badly and noth pokemon knew one move "FEAR" that would kill themselves quickly with animation.

What? I seriously don't understand that last sentence.

SandSlash burried himself in the ground and died and onix turned into dust from the remnates of his body. Brock only said "..." and gave me the badge. The rest of the gyms were like this too and when i got to the elite four the first one said "turn back or youll face our pain..." the second "turn back please! you must survive this horror!" the third "this is the last chance for you to run away from this place! use it now!!!" and the last one "youll be doomed like us too now..." and the screen snapped to black with a loud snapping noise. Jessica took out the camp and hid it so no one would find it. And before leavig her room to go she said "Dead Yello

Now introducing, Pokemon Yello! Now with twice as many typos!

should have dropped dead long ago." and she left the roof.

This one was a really boring, genetic, haunted video game story. If you want me to read something else, leave a link in the comments section!